Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Time for Polish

This is the best time at the Theater-

The end is in sight, but we still have time to add details and make fixes!

Your attention to doing your part the best you can will really make our show shine.
Thank you for your input and concerns. All will be addressed.

Special help in the following areas will make everyone's life a little smoother:

- No extra folks in the dressing rooms.  There just isn't room and it isn't good theater etiquette
- Take responsibility for getting and putting away your props.

- Backstage noise is OUT OF CONTROL!  Please - we can't have ANY chatting.  The orchestra and the audience can hear you.  The orchestra is actually having trouble hearing cues.  Both the cast and crew are offenders!

-Don't clog up the hallways and traffic paths backstage... think about where you are all the time.  Crew members must return to their "stations" when not actively performing a task.

- If you have a solo, please take a moment to review the lyrics as written.  Even if you have them memorized. 

- Remember to stay in character on stage, even if something isn't going quite as planned. Do not smile unless it is part of your role and you are reacting to something funny which is part of the play!  Have fun... but don't smile at the wrong time.

Victor Hugo stopped by to see the set and get flyers!  He's fully on board and is growing his beard and personalizing his script.  Chrissie is helping him work his character.

There are already 50 Gala tickets sold.  Please push again -  every single ticket helps.

Keep in mind that $75 for dinner with wine and dessert, plus a top-quality show is a pretty good deal!  In addition, it's a tax-deductible donation to a great cause... If you haven't asked someone to buy a ticket, please consider your belief in the value of keeping the performing arts accessible to all.

Thank you for all your hard work.