Sunday, October 20, 2013

Status For YOU

Stuff to check out
- The Performance Schedule has been updated to match the office schedule.
- We have a week until the Costume parade (which is where we check all the costumes) so if you have not communicated with Terri the Costume Queen, you need to.
- Kathleen Mini and Tori Kientz will be setting up hair and makeup models for each acting group - The Poor, The Students, The Prostitutes, etc. Be ready to follow their guidance!
- Your attendance at set rehearsals is more vital than ever!
- You should be long past knowing your cues, entrances, lyrics and multiplication tables. review them daily until automatic!
- If you are unsure of any music, ask for assistance - no more waiting!


Oh yeah - invite your peeps to the Gala (November 23) we need each person to sell two tickets minimum!
Love you!