Friday, July 19, 2013

Updates and Reminders


During the past week, we have had several rehearsals with large groups that have shaped and advanced our progress toward our goal for a professional-quality show.  At this point, our larger rehearsals are serving the purpose of blocking in the size and form of each scene and giving everyone a timeframe for scene transitions.  As we progress, we will add more detail and polish.

In advance of each rehearsal, please review the scene, song list, and rehearsal group scheduled to determine if your presence is required.  If in doubt, contact someone in your group or your Ensemble Leader.  From now on, we will be re-posting that information at the door, along with a sign-in sheet.  Hopefully this will help people to determine whether they are involved.

From now on:
     1) Ensemble actors should have at least their lyrics and cues memorized for rehearsal.
     2) Missing rehearsals may result in solo parts being re-assigned.


With the decision to develop such a large cast, we have the privilege of creating an opportunity for all of us to experience this show as a significant event in our community.  Of course we wanted to share the experience with as many of our IT! family as possible.  At the same time, having such a large cast creates a new set of challenges that we must all be aware of and accept.

For the Director, in addition to overseeing every area of the production, there is the challenge of creating a picture in each scene that advances the story and presents a coherent image to the audience.  Audience experience is the first motivation for directing decisions.

For the Producer, there is the challenge of managing the administration, finances, facility, publicity and community relations that are required for a such a production.  Each of these areas is magnified in comparison with other shows IT! produces.

Our Vocal Director must train many relatively inexperienced singers to learn and practice their music correctly.

For the Sound Designer, the challenges are many.  We must come up with additional microphones, help actors with projection, minimize noise, train a technician to run the levels, and pull a rabbit out of a hat within our budget!

For the Stage Manager, one challenge is tracking 70 actors for rehearsals and scene assignments.  Another is going to be choreographing huge scene changes in a timely manner around a backstage crowd in the dark, in silence.

Our Conductor is still seeking certain skilled musicians who are willing to work as volunteers for a huge commitment.  And still waiting for orchestra scores that are due sometime in August.

Our Costume Designer must track characters and actors through scene changes, in addition to coming up with costumes for 70 actors (many of whom have more than one) and finding seamstresses.

The Drama Coach is feverishly working on character development that each actor must have in mind, as well as helping with accents and scheduling time for individual coaching.

With the process of rehearsing large groups who are usually not all on stage at the same time, the Actors have the challenge of coming to the theater and watching and waiting and then taking the stage for short amounts of time and then watching and waiting some more.  In addition, because of the nature of the opera, the actors must all practice singing regularly;  as relatively inexperienced singers, the voices must be strengthened by singing, singing, singing.


While some are grumbling, most are cheerfully enjoying their time at the theater, or using their waiting around time to catch up on reading and socializing.  When you find yourself waiting, grab a fellow actor and practice your scene in another room!

Keep in mind the way it sounded last weekend when everyone sang the end of "One Day More" - it was powerful and made it all feel worth-while!  Be assured that we are on track and by each of us doing our best, we can all have confidence in a terrific production.


Please ask for help if your area is overwhelming you.  Please offer to help if by some chance you are underwhelmed!

 Areas where help is needed:
Seamstresses or any kind of costume help - please email Terri Thomas.
Advertising - please see Lanny.
Stage crew - volunteers can email Dan Snow.
Set Construction - please show up at set construction calendar dates, or text Peter for additional times.
Sound Booth - we need a couple of sound technicians.  We can train them. Contact Peter.
Sponsors - if you have the ear of a business owner or donor, please see Lanny.  Think Program Ads....
Fund Raiser - please invite people from outside the theater community to come the the August fund raiser.

Les Mis T-Shirts - order form is in the Lobby!
Check the "Photos" link on the Bulletinboard to see yourselves in action.