Friday, July 26, 2013

From the Director

Our set is about 75% complete.
Please check the new Props page to see if you can help with acquiring any of the needed  items.

Everyone should be off-book (have your lines and cues memorized) by September 8th.

Please practice your singing with the symphonic recording at home or in the car a couple of times a week at least.  If you don't have a copy, the youTube link is under "Cool Stuff" from the BulletinBoard page.

Ask for help if you need it.
Fill out your character page and turn in to Chrissie.

Men folk:
for the early 1800's period, men should have long hair.  If possible, please start letting your hair grow wild!

Thank you for your attention to detail, and for your hard work on the show.
Your input and questions are welcome - leave me an index card for quickest response.